Don’t Abuse HER, SHE is Your True Treasure

It’s never easy to admit you have some kind of health related problem, especially if you belong to those people who always want to be healthy, although I always abuse it to the full.

My main problem is sleep-related. I just can’t make me sleep. If I succeed to sleep for four hours a day, the morning turns into a complete hell where the player me wakes up with an all broken and exhausted body. I’ve taught my body to have a two hours or even less sleep. This is in no way good, because my so called insomnia has not once threatened my health and caused every kind of inconvenience. Continue reading

Flu: Symptoms And Treatment

Again fall, again rains, again bad weather, and I am again sick – I caught flu right yesterday…

Influenza, which is also known as flu, is an infectious disease caused by different RNA viruses. RNA viruses are those which contain ribonucleic acid (a type of molecule that consists of nucleotide units).

You can easily catch flu. Flu viruses can be transmitted to you through direct contact, coughing and sneezing. Direct contact involves skin-to-skin or body-to-body contact. In this case it doesn’t matter much this contact is close or surface. You may wonder whether you can catch flu on long distances. Continue reading

Give Your Baby A Chance To Breathe Through Life

It was about four or five months ago when the concept of abortion first touched upon me — it was when my sister who was only 17 had to undergo an abortion.

The shortest description of abortion is the termination of pregnancy.

The abortion statistics are even higher than the deaths or losses that may cause some of the most severe diseases. All over the world since 2003 the number of abortions has come up to 42 million each year, which means that every day almost 115,000 women turn to an abortionist. Continue reading