In Yerevan Zoo

Photo by Ani Babayan

A visit to Yerevan Zoo was kind of a pre-birthday gift for me made by one of my friends, Larisa. We spent great time there, although she was apparently very much annoyed and even bored with my continuous and never ceasing moments of excitement and wows. That’s where I was most close to the nature and wildlife, although my views on keeping animals in such small cages, and on the whole, cutting them from nature and locking somewhere are still to be discussed, but not now and not today.

Two things about the zoo; first you have to pay 500 Dram (it makes 500 Dram for adults, and below 500 Dram, if I am not mistaken 250 Dram for kids) for the entrance and second, make sure you have some cabbage and carrot with you. The food can be bought in the zoo, but why spend extra money (400 Dram) on a small amount when you can buy much more from the shops, and feed more animals. Continue reading