Longing for the End-Point

Ani Babayan

Photo by Ani Babayan

The elevator which carries my mom, one of my sisters and me stops on the first floor and we walk out except for my mom who is too scared to go out because of the man with his dog waiting for his turn to go up. Had I been in a different mood I would probably go back, take my mom’s hand and lead her out. Instead I told her Continue reading

Shallow Bittersweet Recollections

Photo by Ani Babayan

It’s been a while since I last wrote anything, while on my mind all the ideas and thoughts that usually come along at night when I am embraced within myself keep on composing stories and poems, which I am usually not being able to bring together.

But it’s more a matter of selfishness than inability, since my selfishness doesn’t allow me to share those thoughts with anyone but me. My level of selfishness in this regard has always been on top as I consider those moments the ones during which I create my masterpieces but I prefer them to lie with me rather than with anyone else. Continue reading

Brief Account of My Project in Spain

I am a person who is in constant search for the good, for the human and for the things worth living for. I am 23 years old and the last few years of my life had passed within the walls of my university and work place and one day I simply realized that I have cut me from people and have driven myself far from one important point in my life, which is to help people. It was then that I started searching for something that would help me re-build my life, which would offer new challenges that would be used as a material to “renovate” the basis of my life and make it stronger, and eventually, help me with the goal I had set for me, but of which I had become oblivious.

My project has to do with blind people. Continue reading

Irreplaceable “Things” in Life: My Father

Photo by Ani Babayan

Photo by Ani Babayan

Sometimes as we grow up we start taking our parents for granted. It’s not fair. They say you won’t understand your parents until one day you become a parent yourself! I need not that. So far I have understood every thing my parents have done for me, even if it was against my will I knew it was for my sake. God knows how thankful I am to them for who I am and what they did for me. There have been thousand times when I was so angry with my mom I would think of packing and leaving forever, but those moments of anger always pass and there remains only their love and care.

My mom is a separate topic that’s why I don’t want to talk much about her here, this is for my dad.

My dad … I don’t know if I ever dreamed of having this gift in my life or not. With my dad I feel complete. He is my light in the dark. He’s been with me all my life… Continue reading

2012 in Pics: MY Major Events

Photo by Ani Babayan

Photo by Ani Babayan

Since I am leaving for some period of time and won’t be able to be part of the events of the people that were in my 2012 through 2013 I decided to post some pics with people I treasure and of events that took place in the past year. This post is also meant to express my gratitude to everyone involved in my life; thank you for who you are and who you make me with your presence, words and attitude. Hopefully, I have brought smth good into your lives too.

New Year 2012 – Celebrated with friends and most importantly, my family! Continue reading

The Beautiful Armenian Bride

Photo by Ani Babayan

Photo by Ani Babayan

I am perhaps one of the few ones who have seen one of the most beautiful Armenian brides in my life. You know I have seen thousands of beautiful girls who in no way appeared as beautiful in my eyes as the girl who got married a few months ago. You might think it was her makeup or her dress that made her beautiful. I say no. She was beautiful because she was immensely happy and was conscious of what she was doing and therefore the bright sparkle in her eyes was way more powerful than that of a most expensive diamond. Don’t wanna talk much about that, instead will post some pics as a proof of what I say. Continue reading

Advertising: A Bunch of Shit

Photo by Ani Babayan

Advertising is perhaps as old as the oldest profession on our planet, yet if with the years the oldest profession has not changed much, advertising has acquired new forms and new ways of expression. If previously the product to be advertised was being seen or shown directly to the buyer, then now it has found its way through newspapers, TVs, computers with the one similarity between the old and new times – if you want to have success, then you have to beautifully describe it to impress people. Continue reading

It Happened Many Moons Ago


Photo by Ani Babayan

It happened many moons ago. A boy was born to a woman who was destined to bring him up on her own. The father was not with them but the boy had a grandpa who taught him everything for which the boy was to be thankful in the rest of his life. Perhaps no one has ever grieved for his grandpa as much as he did after the wise man passed away.

The boy was a wonder-child. He grew up having read every book in their library. At the age of six he was more advanced than any other child of his age. He was gifted, and he didn’t know that with time when he would later in his life become just an ordinary person among the rest, there would be a girl for whom he would keep on being the wonder-boy. Continue reading

Unknown Reasons…

Photo by Ani Babayan

Sometimes the people you run from are the ones that seem to haunt you all the way throughout your life. These are not the people who you hate but rather who you love but with whom you just can’t be because of reasons that are unknown and yet so powerful. You know only one thing – that without you they’re gonna do better, happier, luckier,,, that they’re gonna smile,,, one thing that’s missing when they are with you because those unknown reasons just don’t let the lips perform that simple lip movement because in reality even that smile that today’s being so masterly faked needs energy coming from the soul. Continue reading

A Trip to Nagorno Karabakh: Pics

Sometimes you need to have mood for doing something; even when there is great desire but no mood you will either never do it or do it so slowly that it will seem to have no end. It’s already a week I wanted to write and describe my trip to Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) but unfortunately I have no mood. Instead I decided to post some pics. Just several brief notes:

  • First, I went to Qashatagh, the largest and yet most neglected city of Nagorno Karabakh, which is mainly populated by people from Armenia. The nature is splendid, the people are awesome and they all warmly received me, which was very surprising for me. A t least now I know that the legends and myths regarding the hospitality of Armenians are not just a myth but the reality.

There are two options to get to Qashatagh – minibus and taxi. A trip by minibus will cost you 3500 Dram one way, while a one way trip by taxi will cost you around 18.000-20.000 Dram. Continue reading