Vision for future or absence of it

I remember around a year ago we had a meeting with one of richest Armenians in the world. A short talk with him was enough to understand that this person has not only focused on making money but also on retaining and improving his human aspect.


Without any wish to cite his ideas that reflect pure wisdom, there is one thing that has stuck on my mind. He said that in our life we should focus on the long-term goals which might as well include short-term ones. What he recommended was having a clear idea of where we want to see us 15 years down the road Continue reading

Longing for the End-Point

Ani Babayan

Photo by Ani Babayan

The elevator which carries my mom, one of my sisters and me stops on the first floor and we walk out except for my mom who is too scared to go out because of the man with his dog waiting for his turn to go up. Had I been in a different mood I would probably go back, take my mom’s hand and lead her out. Instead I told her Continue reading

Raped Every Other Day…

She was born a great many years ago. The beauty she had can’t be described; she looked heavenly beautiful. She was the undeniable embodiment of kindness and love. She never hurt anyone, only gave people whatever she could to make them happy, she fed them, provided shelter, gave them warmth and loved them. She cared for the nature and the wildlife, Continue reading

I’m Just a Dreamer…

You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one… Only God knows how many people tell me this. “You’re a dreamer” this phrase implies that your way of living is not right or rather realistic. I believe mainly two type of people hear it — those who live in their imaginary world, where everything is kind and generous and as they wish, and those who have unrealistic dreams thought to be goals.

I belong to both types. No, I have not cut myself from the reality, I clearly feel and see it, but it’s too cruel for me. I hate all that cruelness I see around me, and it does not refer to only the murders, cheatings, lies and unfaithfulness I see around me. You know they’ve become a rather acceptable way of living, while they should not be. Words like loyalty, love, honesty, trust, faith have long lost their true meaning. Continue reading

I Forgive You: Meant or Just Uttered?

Forgiveness is what we ask for when we make a mistake, hurt someone or do a wrong thing. But what I wonder is why we always expect to be forgiven when WE apologize, but when we are to forgive, we make the person suffer, and only then think of forgiving them, of course if we do in the end? Is that because we think our apologies are sincere, while we cannot be sure about someone else’s sincerity? Continue reading

Live FOREVER? Why?

What’s the most beautiful thing you have? Your sight, your hair, your body, the trees around you or the wildlife? I say the life, as you’d never enjoy all that without your life. I am talking about the life each of us has been granted not due to our parents but by external powers, call those powers however you want, I call them God.

But the point is not in this. I wonder how many of us really care about it? Do we truly appreciate what we have? No! Not even me. I love my life as much as I hate it. Seems like a certain balance is formed and it keeps me moving, but things should not be like this. I am an ungrateful person just like every one of you, I can’t say anything for you, but I am ashamed of myself for that. Continue reading