Irreplaceable “Things” in Life: My Father

Photo by Ani Babayan

Photo by Ani Babayan

Sometimes as we grow up we start taking our parents for granted. It’s not fair. They say you won’t understand your parents until one day you become a parent yourself! I need not that. So far I have understood every thing my parents have done for me, even if it was against my will I knew it was for my sake. God knows how thankful I am to them for who I am and what they did for me. There have been thousand times when I was so angry with my mom I would think of packing and leaving forever, but those moments of anger always pass and there remains only their love and care.

My mom is a separate topic that’s why I don’t want to talk much about her here, this is for my dad.

My dad … I don’t know if I ever dreamed of having this gift in my life or not. With my dad I feel complete. He is my light in the dark. He’s been with me all my life… Continue reading

Advertising: A Bunch of Shit

Photo by Ani Babayan

Advertising is perhaps as old as the oldest profession on our planet, yet if with the years the oldest profession has not changed much, advertising has acquired new forms and new ways of expression. If previously the product to be advertised was being seen or shown directly to the buyer, then now it has found its way through newspapers, TVs, computers with the one similarity between the old and new times – if you want to have success, then you have to beautifully describe it to impress people. Continue reading

Unknown Reasons…

Photo by Ani Babayan

Sometimes the people you run from are the ones that seem to haunt you all the way throughout your life. These are not the people who you hate but rather who you love but with whom you just can’t be because of reasons that are unknown and yet so powerful. You know only one thing – that without you they’re gonna do better, happier, luckier,,, that they’re gonna smile,,, one thing that’s missing when they are with you because those unknown reasons just don’t let the lips perform that simple lip movement because in reality even that smile that today’s being so masterly faked needs energy coming from the soul. Continue reading

The Painter Inside Each One of Us…

“Can you do like this? See, with one simple line I can make her smile or make her smile fade away?” said the painter. Does this mean that each one of us is a painter in their heart? I say yes, because with one simple word, touch, look we can make someone’s eyes shine with the brightest glow or just ruin all that sparkle! Yes, we are all painters. Unlike those ordinary painters who paint with brushes, dyes and pencils we paint with our actions, and unlike those painters who are mastered in one or two directions, we are all mastered in every sphere, we can paint happiness and grief, pain and smiles, losses and achievements, tolerance and bigotry, love and hatred, satisfaction and envy, and ultimately, life and death. Continue reading

Don’t Give up on the Ones You Love

Photo by Ani Babayan

I had decided for sure that melancholy would never squeeze my heart again,,, I broke my own promise. It keeps on squeezing over and over again. I don’t know what this is, pain that I let him go, fear I will never see him again or something else. Or maybe I am just a less than a half person without him. They say the spaces between our fingers are created to be filled by someone else’s. How much I wish it were only a matter of finger spaces… It’s my soul and my heart that bear those spaces and they need him to be complete. This is awful and I feel it’s stronger than me, it’s stronger than every principle. You know about all his good and worst points but you still know that it’s him. And I need him so…

They say that once people were a whole and they didn’t need any mate. But then one day Greek Goddess Aphrodite divided every person into two and since those ancient and forgotten times people have been looking for their halves. Continue reading

Dear Mike… Reagan’s Strikingly Honest Letter to His Son

Photo by Ani Babayan

Was recently looking for some really good stuff to read and came across US President Ronald Reagan’s letter sent to his son in 1971 several days before his marriage. This is a must read for all those people who are planning to get married and those who already are, at least I am inclined to think so. Read this smart person’s marital advice to his son and draw your own conclusions, hopefully, you will like it and learn as much as I did.

“Dear Mike:

Enclosed is the item I mentioned (with which goes a torn up IOU). I could stop here but I won’t.

You’ve heard all the jokes that have been rousted around by all the “unhappy marrieds” and cynics. Now, in case no one has suggested it, there is another viewpoint. You have entered into the most meaningful relationship there is in all human life. It can be whatever you decide to make it. Continue reading

You know it’s love when…

Photo by Ani Babayan

You know it’s love when a day doesn’t pass without him.

You know it’s love when you think about what he wears and what he eats more than you think about yourself.

You know it’s love when he is somewhere though safe but you still hope nothing bad will happen to him.

You know it’s love when you are ready to do everything for him, even if it’s letting him go. Continue reading

Searching for Meanings…

Photo by Ani Babayan

When you know there is a meaning in everything, but you can’t see any meaning because the meaning seems too meaningless to bear any meaning, that’s when indifference arrives and despite your will covers every piece of you with that meaningful/less indifference and fills your life with new meaning, a meaning that has no meaning at all, and that’s when you come to realize that no meaning is itself meaning, but you hate those meanings because the will and the meaning collide and the meaning seems to acquire new meaning,,, Continue reading

Don’t Abuse HER, SHE is Your True Treasure

It’s never easy to admit you have some kind of health related problem, especially if you belong to those people who always want to be healthy, although I always abuse it to the full.

My main problem is sleep-related. I just can’t make me sleep. If I succeed to sleep for four hours a day, the morning turns into a complete hell where the player me wakes up with an all broken and exhausted body. I’ve taught my body to have a two hours or even less sleep. This is in no way good, because my so called insomnia has not once threatened my health and caused every kind of inconvenience. Continue reading

Raped Every Other Day…

She was born a great many years ago. The beauty she had can’t be described; she looked heavenly beautiful. She was the undeniable embodiment of kindness and love. She never hurt anyone, only gave people whatever she could to make them happy, she fed them, provided shelter, gave them warmth and loved them. She cared for the nature and the wildlife, Continue reading